

The idea is for willing travelers to bring as many suitable children's books as they are comfortable carrying and dropping them off at the designated drop boxes at the airport, participating hotels, or other specified places. The books will then be collected, sorted, and distributed to specific schools identified as being both in particular need of books, as well as willing and able to look after the books and effectively administer their use.


After collecting your bags at the airport and going through customs, look for the big box with the BRINGBOOKS.ORG logo before leaving the airport and drop your books off with the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to level the playing field of opportunity for children in Nepal. 

空港に到着後、預けた荷物をとった後税関を通り、空港を出てしまう前に「BRINGBOOKS.ORG 」とロゴが書かれた大きなボックスを見つけてください。そして、そのボックスに本を投函してください。ぜひネパールの子供たちにあなたが持ってきて下さった本が大変役に立っているということを知り、感じ、心に刻んでください。

Follow us on Facebook and for the latest updates and information about how and where the books are being used. 

Facebookで bringbooks.orgの最新アップデートをフォローし、寄付頂いた児童書がどこに届けられ読まれているかなど情報をフォローしてください。

Please feel free, also, to contact us on our website or Facebook page if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments. We would love to hear from you and would appreciate your feedback. 


So, pack your bags, with a bit of space for a few extra books, and have a wonderful trip, leaving behind a little something that can have a real and positive impact on children with little or no access to quality books.



Personalize the books, if you wish, with your signature (or very, very brief encouraging note), but do not leave, or ask for personal contact information. This, or any other inappropriate information, will either be blocked out, or prevent the entire book from being used. If you would like to help in other ways, please contact us on the website or FB page. 


もしご希望でしたら本にご自身の名前を記載してください。(もしくは簡単な励ましのメッセージなど) 但し、個人の連絡先、住所、電話番号などは絶対に記載しないで下さい。もし適切でない事が書かれている場合には削除するか、本自体の使用を取りやめます。

Extra Note

If you are interested in:
- sponsoring a child's education
- supporting a children's home
- supporting an Extensive Reading program
- supporting/working with teacher's development programs or early childhood development
- joining a study tour or volunteering in Nepal
please contact us at any of the following:



